Finding it hard to maintain your yard? Overgrown grass doesn’t just leave you with an unsightly mess on your property, but it also leaves your dog vulnerable to the danger of grass seeds. Remove the risk by switching to the best artificial grass for dogs for a safer pet space and a more beautiful yard for you and your home.

What are grass seeds?

Grass seeds come from real grass that has grown tall, which eventually produces seed heads. These seeds are typically located at the top of the grass, and they grow larger and harder as they mature. When they’re fully developed, the dry and hard seeds are ready for dispersal.

This point is when grass seeds become a hazard for dogs. Their pointy heads which look like arrow heads can easily get tangled in your dog’s coat, leading to health issues later on.

Dangers of Grass Seeds for Dogs

Grass seeds can get trapped in a dog’s coat and burrow underneath their skin. In worst cases, the seeds go under the skin toward other areas of the body. There are cases when grass seeds enter a dog’s foot and end up at the chest area. It can be difficult to spot grass seeds once they start to move.

Not only are grass seeds painful and uncomfortable for dogs, but they can also infect them with bacteria and dirt.

Left untreated, grass seeds can eventually cause loss of hearing, blindness, ulcers, balance issues, heart problems and issues with the lungs, brains and spine.

Date posted: September 8, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

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