Polyethylene grass in the most common material used by homeowners for their synthetic lawns. It looks amazing and feels more natural than nylon does. This is an idea turf for athletic fields and landscaping.
It’s also a non-porous material, so it won’t retain odors the way nylon grass typically does. Polyethylene is easy to care for and can be hosed off to wash away pet smells and waste.
This turf comes in a wide range of prices to fit most budgets, and will stand up to foot traffic nearly as well as nylon.
There are three materials commonly used to make artificial turf. The first is polyethylene, typically referred to as nylon. Because it is very strong, nylon can handle heavy foot traffic and high temperatures. This means it can take a lot of abuse without losing its original shape.
The major drawback of polyethylene is cost. It’s not cheap. Thus it’s not typically the first choice for use as a lawn or landscaping material. This grass also doesn’t feel natural due to the texture and stiffness.
This is the most expensive of the artificial grasses on our list because it will last so long, but we wouldn’t recommend rolling around on it.
The primary advantage of choosing polypropylene grass is it’s the cheapest of our synthetic grass types. But it’s also the least durable. This grass is a good choice for anyone on a limited budget wanting an artificial lawn, just be aware that it’s not going to hold up over the long run.
Keep in mind that polypropylene grass isn’t built to withstand high temperatures. So if you install in a hot climate, it’s going to get matted down and lose shape. This means that your lawn will ultimately look unnatural.
This is a good choice as a decorative grass that won’t have to endure much traffic, but aside from that it’s only real selling point is the price.
Odds are that most people would prefer natural grass for their yard. But this isn’t necessarily true of everyone. Some homeowners prefer the idea of the simplicity of artificial grass. After all, it never needs to be mowed! Believe it or not, there are different artificial grass types. And what type you choose depends largely on your needs as well as personal preference.
Let’s take a look at a few to see what kind might work best for you.
What Are the Best Artificial Grass Types?
When you look at pictures of artificial grass online, it’s easy to assume that they’re all the same. But there are actually different artificial grass types. Here you’ll learn to differentiate among the different types of artificial grass.
Do you love the look of beautiful landscaping but dread the thought of maintaining it? If so, there are compelling reasons to consider artificial grass for your home. Not only is it low-maintenance, but it’s environmentally friendly and it always looks great–no matter what the weather is like! But what can you do with artificial grass? Is it only good for replacing your current lawn? Far from it! You can do amazing things with artificial grass design. In this post, we’ll give you five great artificial grass landscaping ideas.
1. Form Interesting Patterns
Who says you have to lay a solid stretch of green lawn?
Artificial grass can be cut and arranged into an endless variety of shapes and patterns. Try weaving it between natural stone steps or pavers. You could also use it to break up concrete slabs on your driveway.
Want to create a whimsical look in your garden or patio? Try laying a checkerboard design of alternating stone and grass. You could also cut a “carpet” of green in a fun shape to liven up a concrete balcony or patio.
No matter which way you decide to use artificial grass in your home, you really can’t go wrong! But, you will probably need help making your vision for indoor grass come to life.
The final creative way to install indoor grass is to use it as wall decor.
There are a handful of ways you can do this. Imagine a lettering piece of wall decor that says something like “love” or “adventure” wrapped in artificial grass. This completely upgrades the look and gives it a unique touch that not all homes have.
You can also create a pattern on the wall using tiles and artificial grass. Or, use artificial grass to cover some of your shelves to add a fun touch of green to your walls.
Another way to incorporate artificial grass into your home is to use it as the base of an indoor garden. This is a brilliant idea for homeowners who want to buy more indoor plants or start an herb garden.
You can use artificial grass to designate this space. It will tie all the plants together and make your garden truly come to life. Plus, putting this on the floor or as the lining material of a hanging garden helps keep your home clean when you water the real plants and tend to them.
Speaking of the aesthetic benefits of indoor artificial grass, consider how lovely this would look on some of your furniture. You don’t have to completely cover your dining benches or your living room end tables. But, a little bit of a green touch can go a long way.
Consider wrapping artificial grass around the legs of your couch or your dining table. Imagine how it would look as part of your bed’s headboard or even as a seat cushion!
If you have small children, the best thing you can do for them is install artificial indoor grass in their play area. They will love the natural feel of playing on this soft material, and you can trust that it’s non-toxic and 100% safe for them.
It’s a win-win for everyone, not to mention it looks much better than traditional play area floors.