The ongoing drought is continuing to cause concern for residents in affected areas, and the hope for relief through seasonal rain has been minimal this year. Despite anticipation for rain at the end of the year, many regions have seen little to no improvement, leaving residents to cope with strict water usage limits and an uncertain outlook.

The Reality of Long-Term Drought

As of the latest data, 92% of California remains in severe drought, with 71% in extreme drought, and a troubling 46% in exceptional drought. The U.S. Drought Monitor classifies drought into five levels: Abnormally Dry, Moderate, Severe, Extreme, and Exceptional. Unfortunately, the situation is similarly dire in the Pacific Northwest, with 100% of Oregon and 90% of Washington in severe drought. Extreme drought covers nearly 68% of both states.

Coping with Drought Conditions

With the persistent drought conditions, many residents are exploring alternative ways to conserve water, particularly when it comes to lawn care. Maintaining a natural lawn is becoming increasingly difficult and costly, given water restrictions and rising utility costs. To address this, some have turned to artificial grass as a solution. Not only does it provide the appearance of a lush, green lawn, but it also requires no water, helping homeowners save on water bills and contribute to conservation efforts.

Changing Regulations on Artificial Grass

In response to the worsening drought and the growing need for water-saving measures, some states have passed laws that prevent homeowners’ associations and municipalities from banning artificial grass. This makes it easier for residents to make the switch and better adapt to the water challenges brought by long-term droughts.

As the drought continues, residents will need to find sustainable solutions to manage water usage while maintaining their homes and communities. Installing artificial grass is just one way people are adapting to these new challenges.


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Date posted: October 23, 2024 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Artificial Turf Artificial Turf Landscaping Artificial Turf Supplier

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