Without question: yes! Think about it – you don’t have to pay for petrol for the lawnmower, water for the grass, or for chemical solutions to keep out weeds and bugs. With regular grass, you need to do this every month (at least). You will need an active sprinkler system to ensure the grass looks green. This waste of water is not just expensive but terrible for the environment.

It may not have been worth the money 30 years ago, but artificial lawn is certainly worth the money today. It now looks very similar to actual grass and also feels quite soft to the touch. It lasts for a long time, and you don’t have to think about it.

The cost of water, petrol, and fertilisers will add up over 20 years as compared to simply using artificial turf. This is separate to the actual time spent on the lawn. An extremely conservative estimate of four hours a month adds to nearly 1000 hours of labour over 20 years. How highly do you value your time?

Date posted: November 27, 2024 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass Install Artificial Grass used artificial grass

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