Now that we have shared a few reasons for installing landscape fabric for synthetic turf, it’s time to explain why weed barrier is not right for some artificial grass projects. 

  1. When You Have Pets Who Go to the Bathroom Outdoors
    If you have pets that will use artificial turf as a bathroom, you should be aware that weed barrier fabric will soak up liquid waste and create lasting odors. This is the main reason why some people with artificial turf choose not to install weed barrier.

However, if you have pets and still want to benefit from the protection and stability of weed barrier fabric, you can use a turf deodorizer like ZeoFill infill. ZeoFill infill is made of 100% natural materials and prevents the ammonium in pet urine from turning into a bad-smelling gas.

ZeoFill infill is just one of several pet-friendly options when choosing infill for your artificial turf.

  1. If You Want to Remove Your Artificial Grass in the Future
    Weed barrier fabric is excellent at preventing soil aeration and stopping weed growth, but this also leads to less healthy soil. This could be a problem if you decide to remove the artificial grass at some point and choose to grow a garden. The ground covered by the weed barrier cloth will not be conducive to thriving plant life, and you will have difficulty growing a garden there.
Date posted: December 17, 2024 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Artificial Turf Artificial Turf Supplier fake grass

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