Putting a fence around you pool is not only a smart idea for safety, it is also required by law in many cities. Check out these alternatives to the usual chain link fence!

11. Vinyl Straight Rail Pool Fence

The vinyl rail pool fence is similar to the traditional white picket fence, with one important difference. The pickets in the picket fence stick out above the top rail. In this case, this particular vinyl pool fence has rails at the top and bottom of the pickets – with no pickets sticking out above the top rail.

12. Sturbridge Vinyl Pool Fence

The Sturbridge vinyl pool fence is similar to the vinyl rail pool fence in that it is made up of vinyl pickets that are evenly spaced apart. The difference is that the vinyl pickets are different widths. Every other picket is twice as wide as the previous picket. There are vinyl rails at the top and bottom of the fence.

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