Nails and a hammer

Step 1 – Add some posts to support the bar

Cut 4 pieces of timber to the same height of the window. Secure two of the posts against the inside of the front wall. Decide how wide you want your bar to be. We would recommend half a metre (50cm) wide. Use your measuring tape to measure the distance and mark the floor with a pencil. Once you are happy, secure them in place.

Step 2 – Create the top of the bar

Create the top of your bar by cutting some plywood into shape. This should sit on top of the support posts, with a slight overhang at the front if you would prefer. Once you’re happy with the placement, secure it into place using a hammer and nails.

Step 3 – Cover the exposed side

To ensure that everything you store under the bar stays hidden, you can cover up the exposed side using some plywood. Measure the height of the posts and the width of the bar to find the dimensions. Once you’ve cut the plywood into place, secure it onto the side of the bar using a hammer and nails.

And there you have it! An outdoor bar in your own garden, perfect for entertaining guests and celebrating with your family.

Added Extras

Fairy Lights

Put up shelves on the back wall

To store your alcohol, you can put up some shelves on the back wall. Make sure they are level using a spirit level, and add some brackets underneath for extra support.

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