What’s the Verdict?

No one is saying that artificial turf doesn’t come with some exposure to chemicals of potential concern (COPC) – just as a treated natural lawn does. However, scientists say that exposure to these chemicals is low enough to that it doesn’t reach the threshold of concern.

The scientific community limits its advice to suggesting that any facilities using artificial turf indoors – where exposure is highest – provide plenty of ventilation to avoid the buildup of chemicals.

Is Artificial Turf Safe for Your Family?

The cause for concern in artificial turf is the backing made of tires. Although the scientific community still discusses the issue regularly, no evidence points to the grass as a health hazard.

Is it safe for your family? Installing it outdoors is safe, and as long as your children don’t eat the infill for their daily afternoon snack, your family likely sees no risk.

Do you have more questions about adding artificial grass? We would love to help.

Date posted: September 13, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

 Have you heard the rumors about the safety of artificial turf?

Artificial turf, sometimes called artificial grass, is a solution for lawns where grass doesn’t grow. You’ll also find it on most sports fields because it stands up to wear and tear better than its natural counterpart.

It’s durable, cheaper to maintain, and easier to install.

So why do some people dispute whether its safe? The answer is that some concerned parents worry about the issue after high-profile reporting of incidences of cancer.

While those cancer cases are real, placing the blame squarely on artificial grass doesn’t tell the whole story. Learn more and see how this can provide options for your lawn.

Date posted: September 13, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass


What Is Artificial Turf?

Artificial turf features three parts:

  • Plastic blades of grass
  • Infill for support
  • Backing material

The infill of artificial grass comes from recycled tires, which is where many of the concerns regarding safety come from.

Date posted: September 13, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

 ome worry about the safety of synthetic turf because manufacturers expose tires to chemicals during the manufacturing process. The danger comes when kids slide around on the turf and cover themselves in fragments of the infill.

The issue came to the fore in 2014 when an investigation found that goalkeepers on American soccer teams experienced strange rates of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other cancers. A list of players with cancer included 38 total players with 34 of them playing as goalies.

However, many of those players came from Washington state, and there was no discussion of whether another environmental factor might be to blame for the incidence of cancer.

Date posted: September 13, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

 The evidence for issues like cancer is anecdotal. The list of kids diagnosed with cancer comes from personal experience – not a scientific data set. At present, no research links artificial grass and cancer.

At the same time, the lack of testing the safety of artificial grass – and chemicals used to manufacture it – sometimes allows individuals to draw their own conclusions. An extensive investigation by NBC News couldn’t find any consensus on the matter.

The Synthetic Turf Council say they have 14 studies available that do not link adverse health effects to artificial turf. In other words, they argue that it is safe for kids.

Date posted: September 13, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

 Finding it hard to maintain your yard? Overgrown grass doesn’t just leave you with an unsightly mess on your property, but it also leaves your dog vulnerable to the danger of grass seeds. Remove the risk by switching to the best artificial grass for dogs for a safer pet space and a more beautiful yard for you and your home.

What are grass seeds?

Grass seeds come from real grass that has grown tall, which eventually produces seed heads. These seeds are typically located at the top of the grass, and they grow larger and harder as they mature. When they’re fully developed, the dry and hard seeds are ready for dispersal.

This point is when grass seeds become a hazard for dogs. Their pointy heads which look like arrow heads can easily get tangled in your dog’s coat, leading to health issues later on.

Dangers of Grass Seeds for Dogs

Grass seeds can get trapped in a dog’s coat and burrow underneath their skin. In worst cases, the seeds go under the skin toward other areas of the body. There are cases when grass seeds enter a dog’s foot and end up at the chest area. It can be difficult to spot grass seeds once they start to move.

Not only are grass seeds painful and uncomfortable for dogs, but they can also infect them with bacteria and dirt.

Left untreated, grass seeds can eventually cause loss of hearing, blindness, ulcers, balance issues, heart problems and issues with the lungs, brains and spine.

Date posted: September 8, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass


Signs of Grass Seeds in a Dog’s Fur

Letting your dog play in an overgrown yard increases the chances of grass seeds latching on to their fur. Here are some tell-tale signs of grass seeds in your dog’s coat:

  • Inflammation
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive scratching, licking, pawing, or biting a specific area
  • Decreased appetite
  • Swollen paw
  • Limping
  • Puncture holes
  • Abscess
  • Breathing problems
  • Tilting head from side to side
  • Excessive head shaking
  • Bloody discharge
  • Excessive tear fluid
  • Sensitivity to light

Eliminate Grass Seeds with High Quality Artificial Turf in Dallas

The most effective way to protect your dog from grass seeds is by switching to the best artificial grass for dogs in Dallas. Synthetic grass never grows or reproduces grass seeds, completely removing this risk from your yard. All that’s left is a safe and comfortable lawn for your dog to play in every day.

Aside from keeping your dog safe from grass seeds, there are even more advantages of covering your yard with artificial grass:

  • Low maintenance – no need to water, mow or cut your lawn again
  • Great drainage – fluids like urine and spilled drinks easily drain away thanks to the porous backing of artificial grass
  • Customizable – design your synthetic yard exactly the way you want it and add special features like a putting green and children’s playgrounds
Date posted: September 8, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

 Switching to the best artificial grass for dogs is sometimes the last resort for homeowners tired of pets destroying their lawn. Synthetic turf is tougher than natural grass, making it the ultimate solution for a beautiful yard that can resist even the roughest puppy playtime.

What Makes Artificial Grass for Dogs So Durable?

Several elements make artificial grass suitable for homes with pets. The following factors contribute to its exceptional durability:

• Nylon Fibers

When choosing synthetic turf that will be used by canines, opt for the most hard-wearing material you can find. One of the toughest fibers available today is nylon. It can stand up daily heavy use, doesn’t bend or break easily and won’t yield to pressure from dogs digging, running or jumping.

• Higher Face Weight

In general, face weight indicates the durability of synthetic turf in Dallas. The higher the face weight, the sturdier and denser the turf is. Synthetic grass with high face weight also offers a lusher yard that feels and looks like a natural lawn. Therefore, the ideal artificial grass for dogs has a higher face weight with a minimum of 16,000 stitches per square yard.

• Shorter Pile Height

A shorter pile height allows artificial grass for dogs to resist damage. It can accommodate activity without breaking and recovers easily from pressure and force. If you’re choosing turf made of polypropylene or polyethylene, a pile height of 0.8-1.2in is an excellent choice. For nylon turf, 0.8-1.3in will do the job.

• Weather Resistance

Another essential quality of the best artificial grass for dogs is weather resistance. The toughest turf is not affected by rain, heat or cold. It’s also resistant to fire, UV rays and corrosion, making it an excellent lawn cover for various homes.

• Expert Installation

Finally, you only get the benefits of these qualities when you hire professional artificial turf installers. They’ll ensure that your synthetic lawn has seamless edges so that it can withstand dogs that love to play rough. They’ll also prepare the ground to prevent hazards, such as slopes and wrinkles that can trip both pets and people. Experienced, expert installers are a must to maximize your artificial grass investment.

Date posted: September 7, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

 Synthetic Grass DFW can help you achieve the beautiful, low-maintenance, pet-friendly yard of your dreams! Our artificial grass for dogs is not just great for your pets, but your family and home as well. Look forward to the following benefits:

• No more muddy paw prints on your furniture and floors

• Enjoy an evergreen lawn that will never have brown, withered or dead patches

• Reduce the presence of parasites and pests in your yard

• Say goodbye to toxic pesticides and fertilizers for a safer outdoor space

• Limit your yard upkeep tasks to rinsing, brushing and clearing debris off your turf

Whether you want a synthetic lawn for landscaping or commercial purposes, 

Date posted: September 7, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass

Unlike real grass, it doesn’t take much to keep synthetic turf looking fresh and lush for a long time. Follow these simple care tips:

1. Clean Up After Your Pets

The best artificial grass for dogs may be low-maintenance but expect more frequent upkeep if your dog uses your synthetic yard as their bathroom.

Make sure to rinse the area right after they go potty or at least a few times a week. Use a turf deodorizer to prevent bad odors from accumulating.

When it comes to solid pet waste, pick it up immediately. Hardened feces can get pressed down to your turf. It also requires more work to remove. If this happens, try to scoop what you can, give the area a good rinse, and lightly wipe the area with a paper towel soaked in a vinegar solution.

2. Brush it Regularly

Raking or brushing is not only effective for cleaning dirt, rocks and sticks from the surface of your artificial turf. It also helps the synthetic bristles stand upright and prevent them from flattening.

Remember to only use flexible plastic rakes and stiff-bristled brushes. Avoid anything metal as these can damage your synthetic turf.

3. Use a Leaf Blower for Synthetic Turf

Aside from brushing, you can also use a leaf blower to keep waste off your artificial turf in Dallas. This option is great for removing organic debris, such as fallen leaves, nuts and other plant matter.

Left untouched, these organic materials eventually start decomposing and create a breeding ground for pests and encourage weed growth. A leaf blower makes the clean-up go faster.

4. Check Weed Growth

Synthetic turf virtually eliminates all weed growth, but in some instances, a few weeds may pop up around the edges of your turf landscape. That’s okay— weeds are extremely stubborn! You can simply pull them up, or use a commercial weed killer that’s safe to use for artificial grass.

For an eco-friendlier solution, you can mix vinegar, salt and dishwashing soap to create a natural weed killer.

Date posted: September 6, 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: fake grass